SMRMC Facebook Post
- Date Submitted: Oct 23, 2020

As a result of a traffic accident on December 2, 2019, I was brought by ambulance to the ER at SMRMC and admitted to their ICU. I was discharged on the morning of December 6. The duration of my stay was marked by exemplary care, beginning in the ER with Dr. Trump and a nursing staffer I am not mentioning by name only because, in the midst of the early care I received, I wasn't able to get them. Once in the ICU, I (and my sister and brother-in-law who drove up from Baton Rouge) received consistently attentive and compassionate care from a team of nurses and other staff, including the respiratory therapy staff, the women who took my temperature and brought my meals, and the housekeeping staff. I will never forget two nurses in particular, Vicki and Elizabeth. The care they provided made all the difference in my feeling safe and cared for in the vulnerable state I was in. Their expertise in helping me get comfortable in bed, in moving about my room when necessary, checking on me regularly, coming when I called, taking the time to answer my many questions? what can I say? In addition, I would like to also thank Dr. Robert Harris for his daily visits, which were marked by patience, calmness, and good humor. I can't guess at the number of people who touched my life in one way or another in those 4 days at SMRMC. however, I can say with assurance that their skills, compassion, and encouragement remain an invaluable part of my recovery. THANK YOU.